Monday, August 31, 2009


I am here to help people. Please comment if you need that help; that love. You can do it however you want! There's anonymous postings if you would like so no one knows it's you and people can openly give you hope and reassurance. I will do my very best in faith, research and wisdom of others to give.

We were created with the intentions of feeling and spreading God's love! To let everyone know that they are loved and that their is hope!

If you are interested in or feel called to be a minister to people, I encourage you to get a hold of your pastor or youth pastor and start something up! Sex is a serious problem throughout the whole world. People are constantly struggling with their faith. If you have a heart to serve one on one or to fight for a cause, you should do it because people absolutely need us out there.

Much love,

Sunday, August 16, 2009


I need help figuring out how to make a sweet blog page. How do you make it so nifty?

Friday, August 14, 2009

And We Begin!

I am young and have gone through more than some yet less than others; haven't we all? I would not have the heart to help people and be using these means without my Saviour Jesus Christ! I am reborn which means to have accepted Jesus into my life and to have a spirit that has been renewed by the blood that was shed to pay for my sins and reconcile all things with God so that man could be with Him once again. Doesn't make much sense? Understandable. E-mail me and I will gladly explain! The point of this blog is for us to help each other in faith, addictions and life in general. We want to get people saved!